Monday, October 19, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

"October's the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves.
Bonfires and pumpkins,
Leaves sailing down -
October is red
And golden and brown."

October Country Calendar

Last week flew right by and I never had the chance to wash and iron all my new fabric. I noticed my Quilters' Compost bucket was overflowing, so I worked on that. I also stitched the October Country Calendar block, prepared and pieced another Dear Jane block and prepared and started appliqueing the September A Tisket, A Tasket Basket. Then, I did a little more shopping! Off to the Creativ Festival, in Toronto and a side trip to Sew Sisters and Cock-A-Doodle Quilts. Would you like to see the goodies I came home with?

Some black and tan fabrics for Over the River and Through the Woods. More fabric is needed, but this is a good start.

Two pieces of Asian fabric, three 1930's and three pieces of Westminster Fabric.

And, last by not least, some more reproduction fabric. The bundle is Jo Morton's new line called, Toast II.

The green fabric show above (in the middle) is what I purchased in Pennsylvania to surround my POTC blocks. What you see placed around the green fabric is my finished blocks. The green fabric appears a little duller then it is, in the photo, but you can see it better on my previous post. It's in the shopping bag and also at the bottom of the pile of fabric. Each block would be outlined by a round of green fabric, and then separated with an accent colour. Any ideas for the accent colour? Or, maybe I should be considering something other then the green to surround my blocks? I have yet to look through my stash for possibilities. In the meantime, I still have eight more blocks to hand piece.

Until next week.....happy quilting!



  1. Karen I love the October stitchery.

  2. Hi Karen! It appears you and I could shop in each other's stash! I have a monstrous-huge stash of Kaffe, and I still collect reproduction fabrics like there's no tomorrow! Enjoying your blog, and I've only looked at a couple of posts! Happy stitching! Jayne

  3. Enjoyed seeing the results of your shopping trip and also the pumpkin photo and poem. Your posts are always fun to read.

  4. Oooooo such pretty fabrics. You have really been stitching up a storm!!

    No suggestion comes to mind for an accent fabric but would love to see one of the POTC blocks lying on the green :0)


  5. What kind of fabric did you use for the background of the October stitchery? Looks good.

  6. Love seeing stitchery...but also loving that TOAST line of fabrics! My friend was making a small little quilt using Toast and some blacks she planned to call the quilt Burnt Toast. LOL

  7. You're a good shopper, Karen! Love the fabrics you have purchased. A couple of the gals I know here are doing the over the river, etc., stitchery and it is so pretty. One just finished a Halloween piece in blackwork. Love your work! Carol

  8. You did get some fabulous fabrics!! I'd be tempted to try something warmer with your POTC blocks -- maybe a deep cream?

  9. Nice addition to your stash Karen and love the calendar stitchery.

  10. You have been busy with projects and with shopping. Very nice fabrics.

  11. Your fabric is beautiful! I never heard of a fabric compost bucket, but I think I have one! Is that where you put the scraps as you are sewing and then eventually you have to sort them into their proper container? I seem to save even the smallest strings. I love fabric.

  12. Your Country Calendar stitchery is so cute! And you've definitely been keeping yourself busy. Such wonderful new fabrics!

  13. Oh my - you really have your work cut out for you (hah - I made a pun - LOL!), Karen! Love your fabrics - how great that you're going to tackle Over the River! I'm still working on my Winter Wonderland!

  14. I really enjoy your blog pictures and posts!
    Can't wait to see your work for "Over the River and Through the Woods".


How beautiful a day can be
When kindness touches it!
~George Elliston

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